The collection

The collection of the Library mostly consists of documents concerning the studies of the six faculties of the University of Suriname, namely:
The Faculty of Medical Sciences (Medicine, Physiotherapy)

The Faculty of Social Sciences (Economics, Business Management, Management of Education and the Study of Social Changes within Society, Sociology and Public Administration)

The Faculty of Technological Sciences (Environmental Sciences, Mineral Production, Electrical Engineering, Agricultural Production, Mechanical Engineering, Infrastructure)

The Faculty of Law (Law, MSR)

The Faculty of Humanities (Languages, Humanities, History)

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics)

Printed and electronic are divided into a General and a Suriname collection.

The Suriname collection is a very special collection, containing all publications on Suriname, and is stored in a closed setting. Assistance by a library employee is required.

How is the collection formed?

  • Purchase: mostly Surinamese documents and required (compulsory) literature
  • Exchange: relations with institutions abroad
  • Donations: private persons and institutions at home and abroad
  • The Depository Library status of the United Nations (UN)
  • The focal point status of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (1990) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) (1997)